We are registered in court! It's been seven weeks since we got our No Objection Certificate. Every day of the last seven weeks, I have checked the Indian courts app for Ruthanne's state to see if our case had appeared yet. Finally, this morning, there we were! Our first court hearing will be next week on December 23 (while we sleep on 12/22 in the US). Over the last three years of our adoption process, Christmastime has always been the most difficult. Seeing little girls in big red hair bows and hearing stories of kids visiting Santa just made me long for our child even more. This season has been the hardest of them all so far. Now, we know our daughter and wish more than anything she could be here experiencing it all with us. When we matched in February, we really thought that having her home by Christmas was realistic. And usually it would be, but if you've been following our journey for any amount of time, you know we've encountered a delay at pretty much every s...