Contentment. It's been a recurring theme in my life lately. I listen to podcasts while I drive, and two podcasts in the last week have talked about being content in where you are in life right now. This has been something I've struggled with through this adoption. I love my job. I love being a wife. I love taking care of my dog. I love time with friends. I love being involved in our church. I love traveling, but right now, I'm having trouble loving these things because my desire to be a mom is so great. We have been "in the process" for ten months now and likely have at least that long (if not more) left. I have wanted to be a mom since I can remember. We started praying about starting the adoption process over a year ago, and we truly thought we'd be farther along by now. Sometimes I feel as if I'm missing my calling-- that I'm called to mother a child right now, but I'm not. Not yet. So, my prayer lately has been for contentment. Of course,...