I haven't been as good about writing and updating the blog this time around. That might have something to do with having a very energetic, medically complex five-year-old this time.
But, I thought this important update deserved a full post! We are matched with the sweetest little 18 month old girl in India. We can't give a lot of information until she's officially ours, but we are all in love! Ruthanne looks at her pictures everyday and talks about all the things they are going to do together.
Some common questions we've gotten...
1. She does also have medical needs, but not the same diagnosis as Ruthanne. So, we will be navigating a new disability, specialists, etc with this little one!
2. Yes, this adoption has gone A LOT faster than Ruthanne's, but we really have no way of knowing how quickly the rest will go. No pandemic should hopefully help this time around though!
3. Why? We have a heart for children who need families. There is a staggering number of kids in India living in orphanages without families to care for them. A great number have medical needs and/or disabilities. We don't believe every Christian is called to adopt, but we think everyone can do something. Our family can; however, adopt and be the family for a child (or children) without one. It isn't easy by any means for us. It has stretched us financially, emotionally, and changed our lifestyle, but I can't imagine our lives any differently. Ruthanne has brought more blessings and love than we ever knew was possible, and we know our next baby girl will be the same. God didn't call us to a life of comfort and ease. He called us to love and care for those in need.
Ways to pray...
1. Pray the next steps will go smoothly and quickly so we can bring our daughter home soon.
2. Pray that the funds for the remaining fees and travel costs will be provided.
3. Pray for our sweet little girl to remain healthy and loved until we are able to get there.
Also, Instagram seems to be the easiest way for me to give updates, so if you want to follow along on our journey more closely, my handle is @LenzeRamage. You'll get lots of super cute pictures of Ruthanne too!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
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