If you're reading this, you probably already know that Cody and I are adopting from India. We are very excited and very ready to be parents and bring our baby home. Also, if you know me, you know words are not exactly my "thing" so bear with me as I try to share a bit of mine and Cody's hearts during this process.
We are completely humbled and honored that God has called us to adoption.
We have so many wonderful family members and friends who have prayed for us, donated money, and continually ask us questions about the adoption. We are grateful to have so many people who love us and our baby that they don't even know yet.
"Are there any updates?" is the most common question we have heard in the last eight months and 90+% of the time we have to say, "no, still waiting for..."
We were prepared for a long journey, but I thought there would be more "work" along the way. Don't get me wrong, there has been A TON of paperwork, and I have a huge binder to prove it, but most of that was at the very beginning, and since then it has been a lot of waiting on other people, and that has been the hardest part. It feels like we have no control (because we don't).
If you know me at all, you know I am just a little bit task oriented (my husband is probably laughing/rolling his eyes at the "little bit" part). When we started this process, we were given a list of things to gather/paperwork to fill out, complete with a little task bar to track our progress and I LOVED IT. We were also given an "estimated timeframe" on how long each stage of the process may take. I assumed if I did all the tasks correctly, we would finish in that timeframe to the day. If you have adopted, you are probably laughing at that right now and know that didn't/hasn't happened. Our home study, that we were told would take about three months, took seven.
Cody and I have to continually remind ourselves that the Lord is faithful, our baby will come home, and that this wait is not going to kill us (ok, that last one is mainly me).
Our baby may not come home in the timing I had in mind, but they will come home in God's timing because He has a plan for their little life and for our family, which I know is far greater than any plan I had imagined.
So, friends and family, please continue to pray for us. Pray for us to have peace in the waiting, for our hearts to be prepared, and for finances to be provided. Please also pray for our baby-- for their safety, health, and their little heart to know we love them!
Lastly, please continue to ask us how things are going! I know you may get tired of hearing that there are no updates (we get tired of not having any!), but having people genuinely care about this process shows us so much love.
Thank you for this update, Lenze! It’s a great way for us to know details and guide us on how we can pray for y’all.